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My workspace is far from perfect. I live in a small room, in a small apartment, so my room is actually very cluttered. I have moved many times throughout my life, and despite having to rid myself of junk each time I moved, it still seems like I own way too much 'things' for the space that I have. If I had it my way, I would move out to my own apartment, and rebuild my space to be something amazing, and beautiful, and timeless. BUT, I am still just a broke ass student with slim-to-no savings, soooo that'll just have to wait a little longer. 

One thing I adore about my room however, is its windows. My windows take up the entire south wall of my room, so my room is always brightly lit. But I have these stupid shitty-ass blinds that break and hang haphazardly or fall, and it is not a good look. 
My desk also gets to look distraught quite easily, simply because I just don't have enough space. There are things I keep on my desk that I wish I didn't have to (like my dried flowers) but there just isn't enough space in my room to fit everything the way I'd like it to. 

Did I ever mention that I bought a $40 dollar agenda? Well I did. It's Kate Spade, and I love it. It is quite large for an agenda to bring around with you, but I couldn't even care less. It's so beautiful that I had to have it, despite all the inconveniences. 

As the fall is starting to settle in, I'm starting to burn more fall/winter scents in my room. One of my favourite is this one from Walmart. The scent of it is Apple Garland, and oh my god it smells heavenly. It's the perfect blend of cinnamon, and apple, and pine and holiday cheer. This is definitely one of those scents that I will be burning all through out the cold season to warm up my soul. It's little things like this that make me excited for the winter season. 

These are the roses I  was talking about, the ones I would rather not keep on my desk. I actually have good reason to keep most of these roses. They either remind me of someone, or a date/event or something, but they were all bought for me from someone important in my life and some important point in my life. 

And then of course I have my little succulent. I named him Otis. I think he is a magnificently handsome young lad, and me and him have a great relationship. Oh and if you were wondering, that rock was also from an adventure of mine. 

More soon, 

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Angel, xx


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