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Long Hur Don't Cur (how I take care of my hur)


Lately my hair has grown out to be a ridiculous length. I've thought about chopping a few inches off it but my boyfriend keeps telling me that it looks good at the length that it is, and that he likes it long soooo I haven't cut it in a while. Not going to lie though, at the length that it is at, it looks absolutely amazing curled. It almost looks like I had put in extensions. It's thick, and long, and full. I absolutely adore it.
The only problems I've really been having with it is that, some how, the hair at the back of my neck keeps getting tangled. I'll comb it out in the morning and a few hours later, I run my fingers through it and there is a ridiculous knot. My hair is also getting really weak at the ends now. So much that if there's a knot in my hair that I have to comb through, a lot of the hairs will just break :'(
It's funny though because I still regularly get people telling me how pretty and healthy my hair looks. HEALTHY ? ARE YOU FO' REALS? To me, my hair has been the most damaged it has ever been. 1. because I destroyed it with bleach and dye
2. because it's long as nuts. 
But apparently, it's still considered relatively healthy ! I'm assuming it's because the colour in my hair is the first time I have ever dyed my hair, so really, there hasn't been that much damage done. Plus curling my hair is a rarity. The only heat tools I use often is my hair drier. 

So let me give you guys a run through of what I do to my hair, since apparently it's "healthy" *rolls eyes*. Be warned though, I honestly don't do very much to my hair. I just got lucky and was born with healthy, smooth, silky hair. I swear it's an asian thing. ANYWAYS

What I do to my hair

Usually I don't use any special shampoo or conditioners for my hair. My whole life I have been using cheap drugstore shampoos like Garnier, Pantene Pro V, Herbal Essences, TreSemme etc. For the past couple of years, I've definitely used TreSemme the most. I really like the scents they have and it seemed to just have worked really well for my hair. Recently, however, my mom decided to go back to Herbal Essences Body Envy (probably because it was cheaper). So I've been using that now. Honestly, I think I prefer TreSemme a little more. Herbal Essences seems to strip my hair of it's natural oils a little more than I like it to.
After I ombred my hair, I actually went out and bought an argan oil conditioner for my hair. I'm super sorry I dont actually remember the brand of it anymore ): BUT honestly, mine was a random cheap one from winners. Any argan or morrocan oil conditioner will do. I usually just work the oil conditioner into the bottom half of my hair and use my normal conditioner for the top half. 

As for other hair products? Well, I use the TreSemme Heat protectant before I use any serious hair tools on it and that's about it ! 
Do I blow dry my hair? Hell yeah. Ain't no body got time to for dat shit to dry nuh-uh. 
There are days that I get lazy and I let it air dry though. But it doesn't happen that often. 
and yeah, that pretty much concludes my hair routine. 
I know it was stupid and short and probably unnecessary but I thought I would write about it anyways, incase anyone asks again. 

I hope y'all are having a wonderful day (: 
much love, 

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Angel, xx


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