following through with my resolution..
23:31ALRIGHTS, I think it's about time I actually DO what I say I'm going to do and what I've said I wanted to do for a while now....
I've such a lazy person that even I kinda chuckle at myself when I saying "I'm going to get fit", BUT YOU KNOW WHAT. It's a new year, and I want to be a new person.
Even though I have to admit I have not started very strongly due to the fact that I've pretty much spent the first 3 days of the year lying around watching Breaking Bad and eating the chocolates leftover from the holidays... oops.
But hey, give me a break. I'm still on my winter break and I plan to use every last second of it relaxing and mentally preparing myself for the amazing grades that I have to achieve for second term. And if that relaxation involves from delicious chocolate from Belgium.. SO BE IT. But I promise I'll eat it in moderation :b
Any who, I thought writing about and tracking my progress would be a smart idea. This way, I can feel worst about the months that I slack on, and work extra hard the months after ! Here are some pictures of my post-holiday body in all it's glory. And I know I'm not fat, I never said I was. And keep in mind I'm not trying to slim down, nooo thank you. I'm actually trying to bulk up, in the sense that I WANT TO BE TONED AND STRONG.
Thanks for visiting guys,
Thanks so much for visiting and taking the time to comment ! Hope you're having an amazing day (:
Angel, xx